This film does sound odious. Granted, having neither seen it nor read a review (Pastor Tom's opinion piece aside) I don't have any way of knowing what the objective is for the portrayal of pederasty. It seems unlikely that the graphic nature of the depiction is anything but gratuitous, but the motivation of the producers may be to point out the horror of the situation, I simply don't know. Assuming that the film is anti-pedophilia, perhaps the disturbing story line is the intent, i.e. it should be disturbing because it is a disturbing issue and they may intend to stir debate.
I remember seeing a series on TV called "War" with Gwynn Dyer. In it he interviews a Canadian soldier who talked about his motivation to enlist coming from watching the movie Apocalypse Now. I remember being stunned since that movie clearly was intended to be anti-war in its sentiment and in fact is one of the best movies for doing just that. I don't know that is not the intention of this film.
On the other hand, perhaps they are attempting to titillate with gratuitous perverted sex. It is possible that Tom is correct that they are "activists" although my first hunch is that they are simply willing to do anything to make money. But again, I have no idea what their motivation is. Tom hasn't dug out a quote from anyone behind this film to back up his point. Then he lumps these silent people in with an anonymous group that he calls culture activists. If he wants to make this point he needs to show some sources, otherwise it is no more than conspiracy theory.
Blog you later,
Pastor Ian
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Posted by
Culture Dove
11:31 PM
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I think that if these guys are truly trying to glorify pedophelia, they should be taken to jail. Otherwise, I have no strong feelings on the topic.
If it quacks like a duck... Putting one foot in front of the other on this one is not difficult. All (I hope) would agree that outside of sidestepping illegal pornography in the name of 'art', this film may have no redeeming value whatsoever, and therefore need not even have been made. If you want to hear one film critic defend this moral train wreck, go to;
and click on 'cool news', "Moriarty" will explain why "if there is any justice, it's your first peek at next year's Oscar race."
And indeed it does what Pastor Tom said intended or not, bridging the gap between the now almost imposed universal acceptance of homosexual behavior, which in America was relatively nonexistent until Dr. Alfred Kinsey's 'Sexual Behavior in the Human Male', and one of the next societally downward stepping stones, which already has so much support, in such groups as 'NAMBLA', pedophilia. Incest acceptability may be on the horizon in the coming decades.
This is where the liberal left ideals come crashing into the wall. If you start to set limits, you are violating someones 'rights' somewhere, somehow. If you set no limits, everything will come to acceptability at some point in time in culture, I submit Greek culture at it's 'height' as an example. Pedophilia is acceptable as long as 'rules' are adhered to, some sexual relations are allowed between men and boys, but not penetration. Cultural conservatism, or justifying parameter? Danger, danger Will Robinson.
Will the Homosexual community touch this one? I think not, if they support it, they loose precious ground in their creeping war to win full legal acceptability in regards to marriage, adoption, social standing, etc. If they decry it, they become branded hypocrites, for denying the 'rights' of pedophiles, they have fought so hard for themselves.
If you need more proof, look to the Word of God, reference anywhere you want about the world system, powers and principalities, and where God says this Earth is going, and how it's kingdoms will fall. or just try Revelation 17:4-6.
Mike, I think there's a distinction to draw between pedophilia and committed homsexual couples. I think to paint with such a broad brush does some unfair indicting.
I think I have, and if not can make a plausible Biblical argument to the contrary, David. God does not dismiss one sin, nor one over another. 1 Cor. 6:9-10, " ......nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites..........will inherit the Kingdom of God." (partial quote) Pedophilia is not specifically listed but I would not want to debate Christ on the issue, and He is the one doing the indicting.
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