Sometimes it is really hard to draw a straight line. Today Pastor Tom started out talking about a Scottish woman surprised by a dead frog in her bag of prepared salad and ended up talking about the need for families to spend more time together. It wasn't the most direct path, but I suppose it is one way of getting there.
I have to agree that much would be gained by families spending more time together and family meal time is one good way of doing that. I wouldn't be so quick to paint all families that have two parents working as "living beyond their level of income" as many families would find themselves homeless without multiple incomes. Until we replace minimum wage with a living wage we will never be able to return to the alleged halcyon days of 1950s suburbia.
Still, the point is well made that too many of us don't know the meaning of the word "enough." Instead we pursue "super-sufficiency" instead of counting our blessings when we have enough and using the extra to help others. It is deeply counter-cultural to suggest that, but then wasn't Jesus so radically counter-cultural that the powers of his day put him to death?
And just to complete this tortured circle of conversation, let me add that one great way to avoid dead frogs in your salad is to shop at farmers' markets. It is likely that any critters you find in your veggies will still be alive and you can release them out the door knowing that this is the ecosystem they inhabit since the food is local! ;-)
Blog you later,
Pastor Ian
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Can You Get There from Here?
Posted by
Culture Dove
11:56 PM