Friday, August 10, 2007

Rule of Thumb?

The expression, "rule of thumb," comes from the English common law that permitted a man to beat his wife as long as he used a switch no larger around than his thumb. Of course, this is one area where the absolute "no beating" is better than a relative drawing of the line.

Pastor Tom is typically one to draw absolute lines, but is taking the relative route in relation to the thumb surgery a man chose to improve his ability to use his iPhone. Tom admits to a bit of technophilia and I likely am a greater lover of technology than he. So neither of us can take the Luddite moral high ground here and declare an absolute.

But that doesn't mean that we are left with moral relativism. We have an obligation to apply our principles as ethical decisions. Looking at the motivation of the man who chose the iThumb is certainly the correct thing to do. I didn't find anything in my research that showed me the intentions of his heart. Pastor Tom went quickly to his theology to speak of the unregenerate heart. Since I don't have more to go one, I'll reserve judgment on this man. What I am willing to say is that I hope that he will use his new one-of-a-kind thumb to serve the greater good.

Blog you later,
Pastor Ian


The Real Music Observer said...

That was a quite a hands on post!

The Real Music Observer said...

I need to proof read!