Tuesday, August 28, 2007

QYW Goes Analog

I am now writing a weekly column called Questioning Your World in the Tantasqua Town Common. The paper is delivered free to every home in Brimfield, Brookfield, Sturbridge, Wales and Holland. If you go to their site you can read the entire paper, but it is in pdf format, so it is a big download. I'm posting all my columns here at Cross Left (you can get an early read of tomorrow's column there today).

Blog you later,
Pastor Ian


The Real Music Observer said...

That's great news. A flat lifeless Ian rather than a cool digitized Ian with 3-D animation. What's next? Ian via telegraph? Wow, with all this new media out there, the guy decides to go with the newspaper. Geez. Oh well, now 4 extra people might stumble over your thoughtful words. Up 2 from last week!

Culture Dove said...

I have told you lately that you are just not nice? ;-)

mkz said...

Hey Dave, I hear Ian has hired a scribe to set the text in clay tablets, in Cuneiform no less, to attract a larger Mesopotamian audience!

Grain o' salt included.

Culture Dove said...

Far be it from me to ignore any special interest group! I am also working on translation into Ugaritic! LOL

mkz said...

Perhaps a Voltaic (Gur), translation may interest the Dogon of West Africa ? They are very culturally resistant but it may be worth a try.

Culture Dove said...

Thanks for the suggestion, but what I really need is someone fluent in Klingon to do some translating. Do you happen to know anyone?

mkz said...



bertlham, Mike.