Keith Olbermann calls his editorials special comments. Everyone's opinion is a special comment and I believe I have been wrong to deny them on this blog. I was taking my cue from Pastor Tom who turned off that feature at Engaging Your World. I'm sure his reason was to control the major influx of rude and thoughtless attacks. I can't say that I blame him. Now Holland's Opus has turned off comments at Think Worm. His reason is to encourage more listening.
I started this blog to voice my differences with Engaging Your World as a sort of pseudo-dialogue. What is much better is real dialogue, so I will start allowing comments.
This will remain a venue driven by the choices Pastor Tom makes at Engaging Your World. When I want to address a topic I will continue to do so at Culture Dove So let's see how this goes.
Blog you later,
Pastor Ian
Monday, August 6, 2007
Special Comment
Posted by
Culture Dove
11:29 PM
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This is a test, this is only a test. If this were a real comment it would be made by a reader not the blog owner.
I would have to say that "better listening" is really a euphemism for "tired of being misunderstood". And I mean that in a kind way. It also takes you off the debating hook. My last exchange with HO on my blog seemed to hit a raw nerve with him. And for that, I am truly sorry. But it seems every time I express myself, I then I have to apologize for it.
As a matter of venting, which may be a safe thing to do here, much of the blogging we do is based on a stream of consciousness thought pattern. We all can't go to the Spiritual gym and work out for hours and then blog like Saint Augustine. The implication that ignorance or stupidity or a lack of understanding is the root of non-"ethical blogging" is actually rather offensive to me. I welcome comments from the informed or uninformed. What I read is an indictment of me, and everyone else who may not have the intellectual capacity (or time) to study the theology of the ages or how philosophy and religion intertwine. Or which dispensation we are in and where the bible relates these various dispensations. Or how Christians can be not blamed for supporting a flat earth or slavery or racism or the crusades or for fearing science.
I write this as my mom suffers inexplicably from a list of no less than 10 possible death agents. Christian community is the only comfort I have right now...or should I run to a bottle of Jack Daniels or some other vile substance?
Have we become so callous to one another, that we somehow measure our relevance by intellect? Peter was the dumbest of the dumb. Christ never stopped him from "posting" even though he made some rather uninformed statements. If Jesus is our example, then we dialogue, that's how we learn. I have learned much from our discussions. I hope to continue blogging and posting and even putting my foot in my mouth. It's all part of the journey.
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