If Pastor Tom's numbers are accurate, the frequency of the tragedy of a child dying in a car left there by parents is about once every ten days or so. Let us all pray that it doesn't need to become more frequent before we figure out how end it. Pastor Tom suggests "slowing down," he could have used Biblical language and called it what it is, Sabbath.
I am fully convinced that stress is something we do to ourselves. We can all be busy without being stressed. Granted, it can be extremely difficult to do and in many cases the far better solution is to be free from the burden. Thankfully, the Biblical model for community, using Sabbath principles, is to take time off from our labor to realize the truth that it is God caring for us all along. In Leviticus 25, the principle of Sabbath is extended from weekly to yearly, ultimately to a Sabbath following seven seventh years-the Jubilee every 50th year. The Jubilee brought economic justice, restoring balance to the community with forgiveness of debts, liberty to the captive....and in Jesus' interpretation in Luke 4, even return of sight to the blind.
Perhaps we have been too blind to Sabbath principles and need to put more trust in God, not just as individuals, but even more importantly, as a community and a nation, so that we might proclaim a Jubilee for all the oppressed people of the world.
Finally, one observation to watch in Pastor Tom's blog: he said "I don't want to question God's sovereignty, but..." I'm not sure I understand that comment, but I guess he is saying that the death of 340 children over 10 years might be part of God's plan. That is a complex and tricky theological discussion if that is indeed what he means. I would simply say that if God informed me that God had a plan to kill children, I know full well that like Abraham arguing with God trying to save Sodom, I would very much question God's sovereignty (or at least I pray I would have the chutzpah to do so).
Blog you later,
Pastor Ian
Friday, August 3, 2007
Is Sabbath the Answer?
Posted by
Culture Dove
11:47 PM